Digital transformations require a lot of resources and diverse software development expertise as well as skilled talents which are often challenging to find in your area. Thus more and more tech companies strengthen their staff with outsourced dedicated teams or seek for a software development partner to deliver a digital solution they need.
Depending on the remote team’s location, there some cooperation peculiarities you should consider before choosing your partner.
Your software development provider is called offshore when it’s office is located far-away, on a different continent or another part of the globe. Offshore means big distance and, most likely, very different time zone.
Offshore outsourcing is really cost-effective, it is worth trying if the cost issue is really important for you and you are looking for the lowest hourly rate. However before making a final decision, consider also time difference and cultural challenges. You might experience challenges to manage your project communication and workflow with 12 hours time overlap.
Nearshoring usually refers to working with countries, located at the same continent. For Western European countries the most popular nearshore destination is Eastern Europe with Ukraine as a leader.
Working with nearshore software developer partner is very convenient in terms of communication and project management. With both of your teams working at similar hours, it will be easier to organize joint meetings and manage the project.